Who we are

Kyung-eun Lee
Director of Amnesty International Korea (2018~2020),
Research Professor of Korea University Human Rights Center (2017~2018),
Board Member of the Korean Association for Human Rights Studies (2019~2020)
Fellow of Henry L. Stimson Center (Washington D.C.) (2018)
Served in the Korean government from 1995 to 2017
Deputy Secretary for Overseas Communications for President Roh Moo-hyun from 2006 to 2007 and director in the Ministry of Health and Welfare from 2009 to 2017
PhD Dissertation: International Legal Protection of the Rights of the Child in Intercountry Adoption
Teri Kang
Specializes in advocacy for vulnerable populations, with litigation experience in domestic violence, workplace harassment, refugee and asylum rights, multicultural families, and data privacy and security law
National Human Rights Commission human rights counselor (2019~2020)
Korea Pearl Buck Foundation Advisory Attorney (2017~Present), Migrant Center Friends Advisory Attorney (2019~Present)
Admitted to Bar, Korea, 2013
Judicial Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (2013)
College of Law, Seoul National University (LL.B. 2011)

General Manager
Ross Oke
Over 20 years of adoptee rights activism and children's rights experience
Extensive experience in using human rights mechanisms and working in international working groups on birth registration, children's rights and business, children's rights and environment
MSc. in Childhood Studies, University of Edinburgh