Why Human Rights Beyond Borders?
We operate both symbolically and literally Beyond Borders
Mission Statement
HRBB defends adopted people's right to origins through research, consultation, and education.
Our Vision
A world in which:
in which those affected by adoption realize their right to know their origins as guaranteed by UN human rights treaties
in which human rights are secured from the moment of birth without discrimination
in which the Right to Origins is fully recognized as a human rights
Our Work
HRBB advances understanding of key policy issues by undertaking comprehensive research on the laws, policies, and history related to the right to origins and Korea’s inter-country adoption program.
HRBB equips legal professionals with the necessary knowledge to advocate for the right to origins by preparing legal manuals and guidance, conducting seminars, and providing education.
HRBB informs policy and supports stakeholders in defending the right to origins by providing consultation to government officials, legal professionals, and adopted people.